knights bay


We are a new company comprised of a team of outstanding infrastructure mining, metallurgical, financial and environmental professionals...

Knights bay continuously seeks to originate projects that require intervention, assistance, and investment. This is done via our global network of mining and infrastructure professionals.

Knights Bay looks to identify investment either in or near production or of outstanding long-term production potential justifying the long development lead times involved.

Origination of Investment Targets

Development Supervision

Due Diligence and Acquisition Strategy

Investment Monitoring and Reporting

Project Strategies and Development

Our investment strategy is driven by that of or financing partnerships to acquire specified commodities or projects with such commodity flows within specific jurisdictions to mitigate risk.

Key areas of the investment process is rigorous due diligence process, to identify and quantify investment risks and the ongoing monitoring of performance.

Global Approach to Opportunity

We have a global reach for investment targets, driven by the different market imperatives of commodities and forecasts.


We understand the long development cycle of a modern projects, regardless of size, requires detail assessment of the factors and costs forming such schedule. Therefore, we look for projects that can generate near term cash flow or that are sufficiently robust to justify such long gestation periods.

Access to Rational Judgement

Our access to a widespread network of industry professional engineers, allows perspective on the challenges that projects face through jurisdictions, development and technology.

Geographical Areas

Our current project evaluation portfolio comprises projects in the America’s, Europe, southern Africa and the Middle East.

Strategic Metals

Our investigations and interests look at the strategic minor metals, but include staples such as Industrial Minerals, Base and Precious metals, mainly as they all are of interest to professional investors.


ethics & compliance

Knights Bay aim for the highest standards of integrity and ethical behaviour. Developing policies and procedures to support the values of the company. These values are integrated into training to cultivate a culture of integrity that is mirrored throughout the Knights Bay business.
The team have a strong history of performance through the development of work class refining facilities and mines globally. Knights Bay support the environment where ethics and compliance are everyone's responsibility. We promote the behaviour we expect from our development teams and reinforce those values to promote a strong ethical culture.
Knights Bay is commitment to become a world leading ethical, environmental and sustainable business through performance.


Developing and maintaining a sustainable business, where the 4 pillars of mining operations namely:

Commercial success

Safety and Healthy protection of all stakeholders

Environmental protection

Social and community acceptability


ethical. mining. development

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