knights bay


We are a new company comprised of a team of outstanding infrastructure mining, metallurgical, financial and environmental professionals...

project & Investment Strategy

Global approach to opportunity

We have a global reach for investment targets, driven by the different market imperatives of commodities and forecasts.

Access to rational Judgement

Our access to a widespread network of industry professional engineers, allows perspective on the challenges that projects face through jurisdictions, development and technology.

Strategic Metals

Our investigations and interests look at the strategic minor metals, but include staples such as Industrial Minerals, Base and Precious metals, mainly as they all are of interest to professional investors.


We understand the long development cycle of a modern projects, regardless of size, requires detail assessment of the factors and costs forming such schedule. Therefore, we look for projects that can generate near term cash flow or that are sufficiently robust to justify such long gestation periods.

Geographical Areas

Our current project evaluation portfolio comprises projects in the America’s, Europe, southern Africa and the Middle East.

Names of directors and responsibilities

Brian Spratley

Brian Spratley

Director, (Chair)

BSc(Hons), MIMMM, CEng, FGS, Mining Engineer with 47 years in the mining and extractive metallurgical  industry, having led many large strategic project developments in the industry including starting mines in South Africa, privatisation in Zambia and DRC, initial development of Tenke Fungurume in DRC. Undertook projects and project assessments in  Russia, Iran, Sweden,  South America, Greenland, Canada and West Africa and the last 9 years developing the first new minor metal smelter outside China for 40 years in Oman.

Sean Spratley

Sean Spratley


BSc (Hons), Environmental and Compliance, over 20 years-experience in the mining sector. Developing environmental systems within mining projects with experience in Greenland, Canada, Spain, Turkey, and the Middle East. Led the ESIA and HSE development process for a new antimony smelter in Oman. Project managed the initial company set up in country and internal systems development. Has developed IT and IT systems related to mining including aerial UAV systems and underground photogrammetry.

Max Beck

Max Beck


BA (Hons) Marketing and Communiations specialist with additional expertise in Investor Relations. Previously head of business development for TetraTech and now CEO at Land & Mining Ltd.  With extensive experience in the technical aspects of starting and growing junior mining companies and raising capital for base and precious metals.

Dan Oiknine

Dan Oiknine


BSC, MA, trading and communications specialist with experience of copper and other commodity sales and trading. Has provided advisory services for off-take and procurement strategies for sales and marketing focusing on opening and increasing the client foot-print in new markets, restructuring, project financing and organization, with a specific focus in the mining sector. Assisting Indian and Western companies in their research for investing abroad and partnerships.

 Michael Spratley

Michael Spratley


BSc (Hons) Mining Engineer with over 30 years of experience, in many commodities and locations, has led exploration programs and project managed mine construction and operations. Predominently based in southern Africa has worked advising client across the globe.

Stephen Kennedy

Stephen Kennedy


BEng (Hons), MBA, MIE (Aust), Corporate Development professional with over 30 years of international experience in growing natural resources companies through acquisitions and complex multi-disciplined projects.  Worked on numerous large M&A, IPO and  privatisation transactions in multiple jurisdictions globally.  Independent Technical Adviser for project finance, structured trade and commodity trade finance, and export credit agency finance for projects in Russia, China and the Middle East.  Founder and Managing Director of Global Transaction Partners (GTP) which provides comprehensive independent techno-economic, environmental & social due diligence services to support M&A transactions along with acting as Lender’s Advisor to support the global lending community.   

Nigel Tarry

Nigel Tarry

Board Secretary, PMO

Nigel is Royal Navy trained communications and project management specialist, with recent roles in Lockheed Martin now Leidos. A project controls manager with over 40 years of experience in both the military and industry. Proven ability to manage people and projects with a diverse and portable portfolio of skills. Is creative and innovative and interacts with multidisciplinary teams at all levels.



Director, CFO

Knights Bay are actively searching for a suitable CFO to join the team with relevant experience in the Mining sector 

Role of the Board and Board Committees

The Company supports the concept of an effective board leading and controlling the Company. The Board is responsible for approving Company policy and strategy. It meets on a regular basis and has a schedule of matters specifically reserved for decision.
The Board is responsible for maintaining a strong system of internal control to safeguard shareholders’ investments and the Group’s assets and for reviewing its effectiveness.
The Audit Committee meets at least twice a year to consider the integrity of the financial statements of the Company, including its annual and interim accounts, the effectiveness of the Company’s internal controls and risk management systems, auditor reports, and terms of appointment and remuneration for the auditors.
The Remuneration Committee meet at least twice a year and has as its remit the determination and review of, amongst others, the remuneration of executives on the Board and any share incentive plans of the Company.
The Nomination Committee will meet at least once a year to evaluate and review the structure, size and composition (including the skills, knowledge, experience and diversity) of the Board and make recommendations to the Board with regard to any changes. It will also be responsible for identifying and nominating for the approval of the Board, candidates to fill Board vacancies as and when they arise.

Country of incorporation

Knights Bay Limited is incorporated in England, with company registration number: 11878321
UK Phone +44 1303 311287

knights bay

Corporate Governance Code

The maintenance of a strong system of internal control to safeguard shareholders, investments and company assets remains important to the Board. The company will seek to comply with the Quoted Companies Alliance’s Corporate Governance Code (“the QCA Code”). The Board has assumed responsibility for ensuring that the Company has appropriate corporate governance standards in place and that these requirements are followed and applied within the Company as a whole.
The corporate governance arrangements that the Board has adopted are designed to ensure that the Company delivers long term value to its shareholders and that shareholders can express their views and expectations for the Company in a manner that encourages open dialogue with the Board.

The QCA Code has 10 principles outlines below, the company will develop strategy to meet these principles and abide by them.


Establish a strategy and business model which promote long-term value for shareholder


Seek to understand and meet shareholder needs and expectations



Consider wider stakeholder and social responsibilities and their implications for long term success


Embed effective risk management, considering both opportunities and threats, throughout the organisation
• Principal risks and uncertainties
• Funding risk
• Technology risk
• Sovereign risk
• Liquidity risk
• Price risk
• Foreign exchange risk


Maintain governance structures and processes that are fit for purpose and support good decision-making by the board
• Audit Committee
• Remuneration Committee
• Nominations Committee


Maintain the board as a well-functioning, balanced team led by the chair



Evaluate board performance board based on clear and relevant objectives, seeking continuous improvement



Communicate how the company is governed and is performing by maintaining a dialogue with shareholders and other relevant stakeholders



Ensure that between them the directors have the necessary up-to-date experience, skills and capabilities


Promote a corporate culture that is based on ethical values and behaviours


ethics & compliance

Knights Bay aim for the highest standards of integrity and ethical behaviour. Developing policies and procedures to support the values of the company. These values are integrated into training to cultivate a culture of integrity that is mirrored throughout the Knights Bay business.
The team have a strong history of performance through the development of work class refining facilities and mines globally. Knights Bay support the environment where ethics and compliance are everyone's responsibility. We promote the behaviour we expect from our development teams and reinforce those values to promote a strong ethical culture.
Knights Bay is commitment to become a world leading ethical, environmental and sustainable business through performance.


Developing and maintaining a sustainable business, where the 4 pillars of mining operations namely:

Commercial success

Safety and Healthy protection of all stakeholders

Environmental protection

Social and community acceptability


ethical. mining. development

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